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Coaching for Big Things in retirement is about making retirement your most meaningful chapter yet. 

Many of us spend a lifetime dreaming about retirement but are scared to death when the time actually comes. Big questions in retirement include:


  • How do I know if it's time to retire?

  • Who am I without my job title? 

  • I've spent my life focusing on my career. How do I build a community at this point in my life? 

  • How do I compose a life filled with meaningful activities?

  • If I stop working, will I die? 

If you stop working you will not die...but you might find that it's your most meaning, enjoyable and productive chapter yet. Coaching for Big Things in retirement is about pulling what you love most about work into this next stage while getting in touch with things that bring you joy...things you may not even be aware of yet. 


Golden Gate Bridge

Coaching for Big Things is for people who are ready to take the leap forward, though the path is unclear.


You know it's time for this coaching if you:

  • Have a big idea that will impact your life, organization, community or the wider world

  • Can't sleep at night because your big idea is keeping you up

  • Are connected to your values, purpose and what you care about

  • Are ready to dedicate the time, energy and resources it will take to launch your idea

  • Think big but are aware of what it will take make your dream a reality

  • Understand that life is short and sometimes you need to take a risk

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Coaching for Big Things in retirement is for people who believe retirement could be their most meaningful, productive and enjoyable chapter yet. 

You know it's time for this coaching if you:

  • Sense that retirement could be rewarding but can't imagine what it will look like

  • Know it's time to scale back but struggle to make the jump

  • Have lost touch with who you are without your job title and career identity

  • Can't remember what you enjoy doing for fun

  • Desire stronger relationships and a community outside of work

  • Need support getting in touch with your entire self - not just your work self

Here's How it Works

Coaching for Big Things in retirement is a 4-month engagement wherein we partner together to thoughtfully design your life after full-time work.


Honoring Your Career

The first step in Coaching for Big Things in retirement is honoring your life's work. 

In this phase, we will do a review of your career story - What are you most proud of? what were the high lights and low lights? And, finally, what do you need to do to honor and close this chapter of your life in preparation for what is ahead? 

Intentionally closing this chapter ushers in the next one while enabling you to pull through everything you love about your full time work.


Re-imagining Retirement

Once you've taken inventory of your career, it's time to spend time dreaming about what's ahead. 

This phase involves visioning work, getting in touch with your values, purpose and temperamental wiring and ends with a clear commitment statement and outline for the future you want to create. 


Taking Inventory & Facing Fears

Now that you have your vision for the future, it's time to surface your fears about retirement and take an inventory of the areas research shows create a meaningful second half of life. 

This phase also includes identifying the gaps between your ideal retirement and where you are right now. 


Share your Plans & Getting Feedback

This phase of the coaching is about engaging meaningful people in your life around your plans for the next stage. 

Engaging important others can help you hone your plans and build support for what's next. This phase can also include a light 360 that will provide feedback on others' views of your strengths and impact. 


Planning & Action

In this phase of the engagement we take your vision and turn it into a concrete roadmap for the next 6-12 months. 

This phase includes taking actions towards your goals, working through self-limiting beliefs and body-based work that will help you identify who you need to become to execute your vision for this next stage of life. 


Lindsey Bingaman

Executive Coach, Coach Educator

Lindsey Bingaman is an International Coach Federation (ICF) ACC-certified coach, coach educator and consultant, with 10+ years of experience helping people make change. 

Lindsey partners with clients to help them create a vision for the future and engages them at the level of heart, mind and body to bring their vision to life. Her “somatic” (body-based) approach helps leaders become more self-aware, tap into what they care about, achieve greater embodiment and transform how they show up and lead in order to execute on their goals. Lindsey’s coaching supports individuals to clarify what they need to do to but also who they need to become to move towards the future they desire. In addition to coaching, Lindsey serves as faculty on the ICF-accredited, Teleos Coaching Essentials Program.


Philadelphia, PA, USA


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